Endometrial Cancer Early Detection in NY

Most of the time if you notice any signs or symptoms of endometrial cancer, like abnormal vaginal discharge or bleeding, and you report them right away to a doctor, it enables you to diagnose the disease in its early stages. Early detection of endometrial cancer increases your chance of a successful treatment. However, some endometrial cancers can reach into their advanced stages before any of the signs and symptoms get noticed.

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Women who might have hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer are at high risk for endometrial cancer. If endometrial or colon cancer has been found in several family members, then you may want to consider having some genetic counseling so you can learn about this risk and HNPCC. If you or any of your closest relatives have genetic testing and have been found to be carrying a mutation of one of the HNPCC genes, you are at high risk of developing endometrial cancer.